
Jour et Nuit

I present you here an outfit that I shot few days ago, back in Paris. Last Week-End, I went to the capital of France, in order to celebrate the birthday party of one of my truly best friends. It was so cool to be back in this beautiful and charming city even for a short time! Anyways, I like the colors and the contrast of the blue and the yellow, it brings so much power in the picture.

I don't know if you've heard about the tragical attack from last week, concerning a satirical magazine, named, CharlieHebdo. Anyways, on Sunday a huge March was organized in Paris in their memory, but also, in the name of tolerance, freedom and against the terrorism. I walked in these streets with my friends but also with millions of people (most of them french) and it was so powerful and moving! I would definitely remember this week-end for sure! And I would say that it was amazing how people united themselves to fight and defend their rights and show their support!

I think its really important to not forget about this dramatic attack, but at the same time, I would say to move forward, cause if not, it would give them a satisfaction and it's not right!

Coat: Zara
Shirt: H&M
Jeans: Cheapmonday
Bag: Zara
Loafers: Zara
Bracelet: Gift from my friend bought in Brazil

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